Museum of contemporARY ART _ Funchal - 31 aUgUst TO 15 sePtembER 2007
The current artistic event –What is Watt?– follows the previous editions, questioning the means of production of contemporary artwork, and proposes to point out the interdependence of artistic experiences related to electricity by praising inter-media artistic production, in which electricity is assumed as an energetic flow, vital to the operability of the social and the artistic contemporary act. The electric current is introduced as an indispensable umbilical cord and as an agent in the production of artworks, in the time between life and the intermittent state of “on” and “off”.
These considerations on the operability of the artwork assume an artistic attitude that prize technological means as a component and structural part of each work, which implies, in it’s limit, a growing dematerialization: light as a space/ambience definer; electronic devices as creators of new expressive possibilities, rhythms and visual effects; and digital resources with their own expression patterns, but depending on an alternate or direct current power supply.